A chilly morning, warm clothes, cozy blanket, hot coffee, this would be a winter morning. Some places in India are chilly while some are pleasant. Winter is about chapped lips, dry skin, and finally wearing comfy sweaters. Every day we feel like we should stay in bed in a soft and cozy blanket and just sleep all day or watch our favorite movies with hot chocolate or Maggi to eat. We all love when there is a ray of sunshine and at night lighting bonfire and warming our self.
Here are some of the best food to include in our winter diet
1. Dates
Dates have all the goodness that one needs. They are a warm,
sweet rich taste and they produce heat in the body. Not getting enough vitamin
D from sunlight in winters can deteriorate your bone health. You can surely
prevent this by having dates in your diet. Dates are a great source of
vitamins, minerals, calcium, and iron. Dates can instantly reduce the
cholesterol and helps to manage your weight. Dates can strengthen your bone and
make it strong. Dates are an excellent source of vitamin C and D which helps to
maintain your skin elasticity and keeps your skin smooth. Dates also come with
anti-aging properties and prevent the accumulation of melanin.
2. Dry Fruits
They are not only tasty but vitamin C and protein in them
build immunity. They provide you with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fibers, and
oils vital for excellent health. They help to defend against colds, coughs, asthma, and
other Illness common in winter. Dry fruits are particularly rich in natural
oils. Thus they prevent dry, cracked skin with aid from the natural oils. Dry fruits
help to boost your energy levels and brain health.
3. Oats
Oats being completely full of dietary fiber, also contain
plenty of energy-boosting B vitamins and magnesium. They help in balancing
blood glucose levels, support friendly bacteria in the gut, and even help manage
cholesterol levels. You can incorporate oats into biscuits, snack bars, or even
smoothies as per your choice.
4. Sweet Potato
As winter begins, we see sweet potatoes at every vegetable
seller. These are a healthy alternative to normal potatoes. They are high in fiber
to help with digestive issues. They also contain vitamin C & E and
potassium. This makes sweet potatoes a good choice for supporting your immune
system, eyes, and gut health. Sweet potatoes contain twice as much fiber as
other types of potatoes. Sweet potatoes have a high amount of vitamin B6, which
reduces the risk of heart attacks. Sweet potatoes have a high amount of vitamin C
which helps in the prevention of flu viruses and common colds and also aids in the
formation of blood cells. Sweet potatoes are a great source of magnesium, which
fights against stress and helps in relaxation.
5. Beetroot
Beetroots are fully loaded with antioxidants that give our
body a health boost during winter. They are low in fat and rich in vitamin C. Beetroot
juice acts as a blood purifier which gives us a healthy-looking and glowing
skin. Beetroot is full of fibers that help in regulating the digestive system.
It also has anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties. It also helps in
temporarily lowering the blood pressure.
6. Carrot
Carrot is one of the most delicious and nutritious winter
vegetables. Carrots are enriched with vitamin A which helps to protect the
eyes. Carrots are also called detox vegetable as it helps to maintain a
healthy liver. They are an effective remedy to reduce liver fat. Research has
shown that carrots help in reducing the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer, and
colon cancer. It also prevents skin cancer. They also have an anti-aging component
that gets rid of age spots and wrinkles.
7. Broccoli
Broccoli contains properties that reduce estrogens which usually cause cancer in the body. Research has shown that broccoli is extremely suitable for preventing breast and uterus cancer. Broccoli is packed with soluble fiber that draws cholesterol out of your body. Broccoli even has significant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which are well known as an anti-inflammatory. Broccoli can also help people suffering from arthritis. Broccoli contains high levels of both calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health.